816 Articles242 Comments

Geekly Review #10

Ahoy! I’m back and it’s back to work time for me, which means it’s a Monday, which also means Geekly Review time! So, where have I been? What have I been doing? Well I guess I need to take you…

Is Gaming A Waste Of Time?

Get outside and enjoy the weather! Turn that bloody thing off! Don’t you get bored playing games all the time? I’m sure most of you’ve had one of, all of, or something along these lines said to you at some…

Geekly Review #7

Wait, the weekend has gone already? Dammit! Oh well time for another Geekly Review. Will’s Weekend! For me, my ‘weekend’ was actually 4 days long. I took Thursday & Friday off of work so I could start some Christmas shopping.…

Dead Body Road – Review

I’ve only recently got in to reading comics and graphic novels, probably in the last 6-9 months really. I have no idea why I hadn’t read more before that, because so far I love them. I’m not really in to…

Games I can’t wait to play

Yea, yea we all know about the big games coming out over the next 12 months or so, games like Destiny, watch_dogs, The Division, The Order 1886. And they all look like they will be great games. But I want…

Geekly Reveiw #6

I think it’s fair to say that the Christmas feeling is well and truly underway, and with another week gone, and with only 16 days to go, it’s time for another Geekly Review. Saturday was time to start a bit…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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