
Geekly Review #16

Comments (7)
  1. I’ve also been having a lot of fun on the beta. It took some time to get used to but the more I play it, the more I like it. It’s a very unique game and I expect that Titanfall will see great success when it drops on March 11th. Nice blog and thanks for the follow, brother! Hope to hear more from you soon!

    -Patrick, of http://jollygoodgaming.wordpress.com/

    1. willgsrr says:

      No problem! I enjoyed your DayZ posts. I’m really loving it myself at the moment.

      1. It’s a great game! Rocket said he plans to have hunting, camping, vehicles, and basic base building into the game by June.I can’t wait. It should really spice things up. It is my hopes that DayZ will surpass that of what the mod accomplished. Perhaps we can get together and play sometime, yeah? 😛

        1. willgsrr says:

          Yea, I’ve been keeping my eye on updates, and it sounds interesting!
          I would be up for hooking up on it. You on Steam?

          1. Of course! My username is Browneboys. Send me a friend request and I’ll accept it once I get back from work later today!

          2. willgsrr says:

            Couldn’t find you…
            This is me.

          3. Ok ill get ya in 8 hours!

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