
2015 BAFTA Games Awards Winners

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Geekly Review #72
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  1. Kevin says:

    The League of Legend one surprised me, as did the Destiny game of the year but a friend explained how it made sense!

    I was actually there for Rezzed and saw the red carpet starting. It baffled me because as a non-brit the BAFTAs are something new for me, but my friend explained hahaha

    1. Will_GSRR says:

      I’ve played Destiny a lot, and have really enjoyed playing it too, but I still don’t think it’s a worthy winner.

      It had way to many short coming in my opinion, and could’ve been so much better quite easily I think.

      1. Kevin says:

        But on that list, which game would you have given it to? Destiny does have the point that it was one of the most played games of 2014 and its player-attraction power is undeniable.

        1. Will_GSRR says:

          Yea, the list isn’t exactly the strongest. But I feel that Dragon Age is probably more deserving of it.
          I don’t think Destiny is a bad game. I don’t think I can really say that with around 7 days game time, but it just doesn’t feel worthy of winning.

          1. Kevin says:

            My friend raised the point that Inquisition was a buggy mess on release and only now is a worthy game. That might’ve taken them away from the title.

            Mordor is an outstanding game, but I don’t know if it was the game of year.

            I generally don’t like Games of the Year categories.

          2. Will_GSRR says:

            I didn’t play it at release so wouldn’t know. Destiny was like that too though, the connection issues were terrible for weeks.
            It’s always a tough one to call. Cases can easily be made for and against most games.

          3. Kevin says:

            And that’s why they don’t have us at the BAFTAs, because we’d argue about it all day without actually picking one hahaha

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