The last time the term PlayStation Meeting was used it was to reveal to the world details on the PlayStation 4 In February of 2013. Back then we got to see Watch_Dogs, Destiny, Deep Down and Knack.
Well here we are over 3 years later and we’ve got another PlayStation Meeting. Plenty has happened in the world of PlayStation since the announcement of the PS Meeting including the leak of a seemingly genuine PlayStation 4 Slim model.
So here’s what Sony has in store for PlayStation going forward.
Andrew House starts the show off reminding us of 3 years ago and the introduction of the PlayStation 4.
PS4 Slim is officially revealed. It is now the standard base point PS4 going forward. New model is identical specification as the old launch PS4. PS4 Slim launching on September 15th for £259.
Andrew House then goes on to talk about 4K HDR.
PlayStation4 Pro is the official name of the previously codenamed PSNeo.
Lead System Architect Mark Cerny is introduced to the stage.
Pro GPU is doubled, Boosted CPU Clock rate, 1TB harddrive standard.
Enhances HDTV gameplay.
Insomniacs Spiderman that was revealed at E3 Is used to demonstrate the PS4Pro.
For Honor is the next game to be shown running on PS4Pro.
Deus Ex is shown next.
Controversial, Rise of the Tomb Raider is shown next.
Next up is some Watch_dogs 2 footage.
Mark moves onto High Dynamic Range (HDR).
The next game shown is Days Gone.
Uncharted 4 is shown off in HDR.
Infamous First Light is shown next to show off Fetch’s Neon Power.
Showing the PS4Pro on HDTV they show off Mordor.
Forward Compatibility is revealed for a number of 1st and 3rd party titles.
Horizon: Zero Dawn next up.
Andrew House is back, he confirms that one PS4 game disc will run on both consoles. He introduces Andy Hendrickson from Activision to discuss Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.
Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare Remaster will support PS4 Pro, Black Ops 3 will have a patch out to enable that to run on PS4 Pro.
After a COD Infinite Warfare trailer, Aaryn Flynn from EA is up. He confirms FIFA, Battlefield 1 and Mass Effect: Andromeda will support PS4Pro. With that we get a trailer for it.
Andrew House is back after the 3rd Party support from Activision and EA. Andrew discusses TV and Video service. Netflix will be streaming on 4K and HDR. YouTube is developing an app for PS4Pro.
Every PS4 from Launch will get a firmware update to update the visual performance to HDR.
Trailer for the upcoming games, it’s a replay of everything we’ve seen (Spiderman, For Honor, Tomb Raider, Days Gone, Horizon, Mass Effect, Watch_Dogs 2, Final Fantasy 15)
PS4Pro and Slim are revealed. PS4 Slim launching on September 15th for £259 and PS4 Pro November 10th at £349.
– Murr
As much as I love sony, what a giant load of marketing fluff and nonsense.
showing off HDR on a standard definition stream on a standard definition screen. They had that magical bar that wipes across the screen showing you how much better things look in HDR, but I’m still watching it on my standard definition (non HDR) screen.
No mention of price, no mention of how it’s going to work with VR and *only* a 1TB hard drive? if sony are pushing games in 4k, I can see much much bigger installs on the way if you want all those extra higher definition textures. I can’t help but feel that sony need to pick up the pace if they want to sell me on a PS4pro… on that note PS4 Pro? really? so I’m not a pro if I don’t own one? way to make the people who can afford the upgrade feel even more smug, PS4K was just dangling there, and would have been such a good fit!
In the main picutre, there’s the new PS4 (slim), the PS4 Pro, a camera, the revised controller, a VR headset, as well as some move controllers (are sony even making these any more?). I can’t help but notice the lack of the vita in that “usual suspects” line up 🙁
We did get a price for PS4Pro 😉 Vita is long gone my friend. Embrace mobile gaming and enjoy Mario on iPhone 7. (I’ll stick to my 3DS actually and possibly the NX when we see it)
I missed the price, because the wife lost the TV remote and needed help finding it so she could watch the great british bake off… true story…
The more I think about it this morning, the more it feels like it should have been an email/newsletter update. Sony announced that “HDR” is going to be patched in to all PS4s, not just the pro, but you’re still going to need to have a TV that’s capable of using that extra information.
Granted, 4K displays are getting cheaper, and TV’s capability of showing a Wider colour output range “HDR”, are also becoming more readily available, but buying a new £800 tv as well as the £350 for a ps4 ‘pro’? It seems like sony are trying to solve a problem that most people don’t have…
The talk after the sony conference from developers gave a better insight on why I’d consider buying a ‘pro’ unit. Having a 1080p signal running at a locked frame rate is easier when you ahve a bit more processing power. I’d pay money for that.
My ps4 is now 2 years old, and playing rocket league and Battlefield 4 makes my console get very loud, to the point of where i have to turn up the tv. Both games at times seem to show changes in frame rate. I like the idea that a “pro” will be giving me a 1080p signal, locked at 30fps without the console sounding like it’s buckling under the strain…
I don’t really see the point in it to be honest. I feel like they should’ve waited a little longer to bring out a proper ‘next gen’ console. One that’s going to do native 4k as standard. This just feels like it’s here too soon.
As much as I love sony, what a giant load of marketing fluff and nonsense.
showing off HDR on a standard definition stream on a standard definition screen. They had that magical bar that wipes across the screen showing you how much better things look in HDR, but I’m still watching it on my standard definition (non HDR) screen.
No mention of price, no mention of how it’s going to work with VR and *only* a 1TB hard drive? if sony are pushing games in 4k, I can see much much bigger installs on the way if you want all those extra higher definition textures. I can’t help but feel that sony need to pick up the pace if they want to sell me on a PS4pro… on that note PS4 Pro? really? so I’m not a pro if I don’t own one? way to make the people who can afford the upgrade feel even more smug, PS4K was just dangling there, and would have been such a good fit!
In the main picutre, there’s the new PS4 (slim), the PS4 Pro, a camera, the revised controller, a VR headset, as well as some move controllers (are sony even making these any more?). I can’t help but notice the lack of the vita in that “usual suspects” line up 🙁
I’m not that impressed with this tech release. We all knew they were going to the HD realm, but I was hoping for something more substantial. This is all too reminiscent of an Apple iPhone update between version. “Look, we unlocked a new feature, now buy all new hardware to get this one new thing.”
I was hoping for something better. Ah well.
I’m not that impressed with this tech release. We all knew they were going to the HD realm, but I was hoping for something more substantial. This is all too reminiscent of an Apple iPhone update between version. “Look, we unlocked a new feature, now buy all new hardware to get this one new thing.”
I was hoping for something better. Ah well.