Woah, 300 Geekly Reviews, that’s a lot of nerdiness. It must continue!
Almost a year a go I wrote about Noita being one to watch as it looked like a fun rogue-lite where every pixel is physically simulated in the games world and you can create some mad explosions!
The game is now officially out in Early Access and, as expected, is a lot of fun! I’ll admit that there isn’t a tonne of content to get stuck in to at the moment. At present Noita is essentially just an endless mode where you just explore mines until you die. Along the way you’ll encounter weird enemies and a lot of mad wands allowing you to cast crazy spells causing all sorts of destruction.

With every pixel being simulated, providing you have the right tools, you can destroy anything. As a result Noita allows for a lot of creativity and fun to be had. You want to blow a hole in that vat of oil and burn everything underneath it? Go ahead.
You want to put the crazy fire out that you accidentally started and there just so happens to be a load of water above you. Drop it all on it and douse those flames!

It’s not just wands that you can find in the mines though. There’s also weird potions like the poly-morphing one that transforms anything that touches it in to a random creature.
Noita may well be in the early stages of development but it shows a lot of promise. Once there is more progression built in to the game around the gameplay elements Noita will be great fun. As it is, unless you’re desperate to play it, I’d say maybe just keep an eye on it for now – albeit a close eye!
Destiny 2
Shadowkeep is upon us! We’re going back to the moon and I’m very excited. Yes, Destiny’s next expansion is almost here which means I’ve been back on it the last few days playing the hell out of it.
It’s been a few months since I’ve properly played Destiny meaning I’m a little rusty and a ways behind. But that hasn’t stopped me from getting all excited about what’s to come on 1st October.
The last week or so I’ve been trying to tie off a few of the ‘loose ends’ from previous DLC’s, meaning I’m trying to complete exotic quests and other bits like that. Which has made me realise just how much content there is to get stuck in to with Destiny 2 now.
The expansion isn’t the only major change though, because Destiny is also moving to Steam as of Shadowkeeps launch date. Furthermore Destiny New Light is also going to be free to play. If you want to know what comes with New Light then just have a gander at the image below.
There’s is a lot of content to get stuck in to for free. Personally I think the future is bright for Bungie and Destiny post Activision.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
After last week’s Call of Duty beta I combed through some of my footage that I’d recorded and put together a video of some highlights from playing on the realism game mode. It’s such a nicer, cleaner visual style to the normally very busy screen.