Next on this slightly oddly paced and organised E3 is Ubisofts Forward Summary. On paper this doesn’t strike as overly exciting (although it’s got to be better than Koch last night). Plenty of Netflix & Ubisoft partnerships via Netflix Geeked came in the last few days, so were those announcement’s significant in anyway for Ubi Forward 2021?
We’re getting deeper looks at Far Cry 6, Rainbow 6 and Riders Republic as well as some surprises.
The show begins with Rainbow 6 Extraction. The trailer is all CGI, no cutscenes. We are promised gameplay footage shortly though. It’s coming in September 2021.
Extraction will be cross platform, and after confirmation, we get some first game play footage.
From fighting aliens to learning to play guitar. Rocksmith+ is featured next. It’s a music learning subscription service. Connect your instrument to PC, Mobile or console to get direct guides and tracks.
Onto Riders Republic next, coming September 26th.
After a brief chat about Rainbow6 Siege season 6, we get a look at a Rainbow 6 animated show.
A montage trailer next with reminders that Ubisoft made other games like Assassin’s Creed, WatchDogs, The Crew and Ghost Recon where we’re informed we can expect more from Ghost Recon for it’s 20th anniversary.
Onto another big hitter… Just Dance 2022
Oh it’s time to get our Viking on… so some Assassin’s Creed Valhalla next. They’re going to be supporting this game for 2 years with more updates throughout.
Onto the movies and television properties they’re working on.
Away from Ubisoft TV & Films and onto Far Cry 6
There was a good looking season pass for Far Cry 6 that showed the previous villains in some sort of dream world, its called Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.
And onto a new Mario & Rabbids crossover (that leaked before the show). Mario & Rabbids: Sparks of Hope.
After another look at Mario+Rabbids, Yves Guillemot signs us out, with of course one more thing to see. Very surprising one. It’s Avatar, the big blue giant people Avatar. Didn’t see that coming.
And that’s that, they managed to fill over an hour, but it wasn’t incredibly exciting.
– Murr