Monday morning strikes again, How was everyone’s weekend? Here’s what we got up to…
Friday evening for me was all football. I was streaming the quarter final between Colombia & Brazil on my notebook, while continuing my football manager campaign on PC. It was a pretty light Friday evening in that sense, but was still enjoyable. Despite the result. I think everyone was rooting for Colombia. But now Brazil will have to march on without Neymar.
I’ve also finally completed Watch_dogs despite a lot of bitching about it in previous geekly reviews. I have to say that from mid point of Act 2 it picked up alot. I enjoyed all of Act 3 and 4. Especially Act 3, Heck the 2nd half of Act 2 was fun too, It just took a while to warm up.
The Saturday one of my friends was having a moving in party / bbq, so my Wife and I attended that Saturday afternoon & evening. In traditional drunk talk myself and GSRRs #1 fan discussed how we need to go to Wrestlemania, we’ve penciled in 2016 for that. Another highlight was stealing the music for the evening blasting out WWE theme tunes, in particular Jack Swaggers real American got played alot to the hate of a few people there.
Sunday not feeling all that great was a sofa day for me. I watched the British Grand Prix, then switched over to watch Wimbledon final. In the evening feeling in a mood for some scary films I watched the Japanese version of the Ring, and then the American version of the Grudge. The Grudge still freaks me out to this day. So it wasn’t overly geeky weekend again, but had it’s moments.
– Murr
After a tiring Glastonbury weekend, this weekend I just wanted to chill out and catch up on some sleep.
On Friday night we stayed in and watched Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa. As I am a fan of his series, I thought the film might not be too bad. It was ok, a few laughs here and there, but nothing to really write home about.
I also managed to catch the end of the Columbia vs Brazil game, I was sad to see Columbia get knocked out, I wanted them to win the whole thing.
On Saturday I got around to playing a bit more of Valiant Hearts. So far it’s a brilliant game, the visuals are fantastic, the sound track is moving and perfectly suits the gameplay. Most importantly the gameplay is really good. The puzzles can be nicely challenging. The only real negatives I can think of are the Taxi sections, and the accompanying narrative like the diary entries and the historical information because you have to pause the game to read the diary entries, but the historical stuff is accessed by pressing Y, I don’t really understand why they didn’t put it all in the same place. It just breaks it up, and in all honesty I haven’t really been reading the diary bits. But that is only a very minor thing, and doesn’t exactly ruin the game.

I also put in a bit more time to Watch_Dogs as I haven’t actually got around to completing the story yet. I’m now about half way through act 4, so not too far off the end. Unlike Murr, I started to get a bit bored of it towards the end of act 3 and just wanted it to be done. But then act 4 managed to grab my attention back a little bit. I don’t really know what it was about it that started to put me off, but at one point I was very close to just switching it off, because it was annoying me.
I was really looking forward to Watch_Dogs when it first released, and was hoping that it would be the game to really stand up and say “This is what next gen is.” Sadly it failed on that, but it’s still not a bad game, and has been pretty fun for the most part, bar the horrible driving mechanics, they are so bad at times that I straight up avoid driving cars whenever I can. I usually get around on a bike, which has a lot better control, but still not amazing.
In the evening we had another lazy night in watching tele.
On Sunday we went to a family meal/gathering at my mums. We are usually pretty terrible at organising ourselves, so to get 10 of us all in one place at once is a pretty rare thing. But we managed it, and whilst there, there was a little announcement from my Brother and his Wife, and that they were going to become parents, which obviously means I’m going to be an Uncle! Pretty awesome news I think.
Sunday evening, I just played a bit more Watch_Dogs and Valiant Hearts, which is turning out to be a lot longer than I thought it would be, which is nice!
Today sees Bungie Day kick off, I’m pretty excited about what is going to be revealed, as I’m sure it will be a shed load of Destiny info. Keep your eyes peeled here for info, as we will be tracking it as closely as we can.
Happy Bungie Day!
– Will