Tis the season for Christmas parties. But not mine, that’s this week. It was Meg’s party on Friday night, which meant I had a solid nights gaming ahead of me.
I started out with some This War of Mine. I like to think that I have a pretty good sense of upcoming indie gems, and I usually keep a close eye on potential new games, but this one went completely unnoticed for me. It wasn’t until Steams exploration sales that I noticed it, and as soon as I did, I snapped it up.
I’ve decided to start a survival series with this game, basically I’m going to see how many days I can survive. Being a relative noob to the game, it could turn out to be a short experience, but hey, why don’t you join me. I’ve got the first 4 days up right now!
I then moved on to a few games of NBA 2K15. I haven’t played it for a little while, but I’ve been using the companion app to keep topping up my VC, which left me with nearly 30,000 to spend, this allowed me to max out my Jumping Shooter stats.
Me and the Rockets have continued our impressive start to the season by extending our unbeaten run to 14 games. During this run I’ve been averaging 41 points per game, with a season high of 56 so far. It looks like my decision to leave the Utah Jazz was a good one!
Naturally, I then played some Destiny. I’ve already completed the Dark Below story missions – and let me say they weren’t bad, but still could’ve been better. I’m still yet to try the new strike and raid.
But I didn’t fancy trying them out just yet, instead I started a new character. A Titan. Me and Ryan decided to start things again, just for fun. We decided that we can run through all the story missions pretty quickly together, and completed all the earth missions.
It’s actually quite nice playing through it again, and this time with someone else. When I first did the main story I did the majority of it on my own, so it’s a nice change to have a friend. Plus it lets us do it at a higher level, which means more XP! Plus it’s quite nice to actually care about random green level weapons and armour dropping, although I’m sure that feeling will soon pass.

After getting our new characters to level 6, we decided to switch back to our high level ones, and play around in the Crucible for a while.
On Saturday I spent a little time in the morning on GTA V. I’ve not really played it all that much recently, mainly because I have too many other games to play. But I made myself get back on to it, not that I was feeling reluctant about it or anything. I’ve now finished off the Merryweather Heist, and I’m starting to plan the next one. So, I’m making progress albeit a little slowly.
The rest of the day was pretty lazy.
On Sunday, it was time to get our Christmas on, which meant picking up our tree, and watching rubbish Christmas films on tele. Not long to go now people!
– Will
I had a weekend off of gaming. My wife and I like London a lot, And we like Christmas. So we combined both and had a weekend away in London during the festive season with some of our friends. Not much to report really other than consuming lots of mulled wine and mulled cider. Visiting the sites, and visiting the Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park.
Camden Town always a highlight provided us with our first drinks of the weekend at the Worlds End, followed by lots of mulled wine or cider and doughnuts from Camden Market. Next over to the busier areas Leicester Square and Piccadilly finding some smaller quieter pubs around there and finishing off at Planet Hollywood for food and cocktails.
Sunday was site seeing and Winter Wonderland. It’s a very impressive festive place packed with rides and loads of incredible smelling food.
The only remotely Geeky thing I did this weekend was watch WWE TLC with my wrassling chums. So expect the results to arrive later!
– Murr