After the less than impressive start to E3 from EA hours earlier, it was over to Bethesda next. Last year they had an impressive show and there was no reason to believe this year wouldn’t be the same. Unfortunately leaks have been a common feature for E3 2016 so far and a few of their surprises had been all but confirmed before the show.
As this conference was on at 3am UK time, we decided to not stay up live for this one, so this is a post show catch up so apologies if details were left out.
First up Quake Champions was revealed that’s being developed by ID
A new Elder Scrolls game is coming out being released on Android, IOS, PC & Mac. Elder Scrolls: Legends.
The Prey game was confirmed but it’s a series reboot rather than a sequel. It’s being developed by Arkane Austin.
Doom will be receiving regular free updates starting soon and there will also be normal paid DLC also coming soon.
Fallout 4 is getting 3 DLC packs coming monthly starting this month. And the heavily rumoured and practically confirmed Skyrim Remaster is happening. Coming to PC, PS4 & XboxOne with mods. Fallout Shelter is also getting updated and being released on PC.
Elder Scrolls online is going global with a launch in Japan and huge updates to follow.
Bethesda VR are working on a Doom and Fallout VR experience for Vive and set to release in 2017.
And lastly Dishonored 2 closed the show out. It’s releasing on 11th November 2016.
So all in all another solid show from Bethesda which due to leaks had some of the magic moments ruined. Still the Fallout 4 DLC certainly looks like it’ll be adding some fun elements to the game, and I for one am pretty excited to see Skyrim remaster confirmed. I know it’s a 5 year old game now but I’ll be picking it up and losing another 100 hours to it again on PS4.
All trailers from Bethesda Youtube channel.
– Murr