A little late getting the round up of news from Paris Games Week, as I had the unfortunate timing of a dentist appointment midway through the conference. I was keeping up to date with comments sat in the waiting room getting more hyped with the news I was reading with regards to new trailers for Spider-Man and The Last of us II. It was announced 7 new games would be revealed today, and that E3 2017 earlier this year was just the start. Here’s what Sony offered up at Paris Games Week.
We will be getting a sequel to the hugely popular and successful Guacamelee, with Guacamelee 2.
Following on from that announce trailer was a trailer for a game called Hong Kong Massacre. It’s looks like a top down version of Max Payne. Looks pretty promising.
Moving on and changing pace completely the next game to revealed is called The Gardens Between. It’s an animated puzzle game.
A sequel to a PlayStation Portable / PlayStation Vita game is up next and one I’m chuffed to bits to see happening. Loco Roco 2 Remaster coming to PS4.
When the Sims comes to PS4 in November, it’ll release featuring the majority of its PC expansion content, following the Sims was the announcement of Tennis World Tour. I do enjoy a good Tennis game, so glad to see one making it’s way to PS4.
Next up are 2 new PlayStation VR titles. Megalith and Bow to Blood.
More VR games revealed and getting new trailers. Ultrawings VR, Sprint Vector, Moss the charming looking VR game where you play as a mouse and Star Child.
Some free DLC coming for Resident Evil 7:
More VR as Dead Hungry and Stifled are shown.
Next a look at the new an expansion for Final Fantasy XV:
Spelunky is getting a sequel. Spelunky 2 officially revealed:
One of the big surprises of the show. Sucker Punch are here and they are revealing their new game. It’s got vibes of Tenchu and Onimusha, and not surprisingly it looks stunning.
A new game that strikes a similar vibe to Until Dawn is revealed, Erica.
Another new game is revealed called Concrete Genie:
We go onto 3rd party reel now with some of the biggest 3rd party games to hit PS4. There’s a surprise for players who plan on getting Monster Hunter World on PS4. Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn is a playable character.
We also get a look at 3 heavy hitters coming to PS4 with exclusive content or exclusive marketing rights with Star Wars Battlefront 2, Far Cry 5 and COD:WW2 (which is getting me some what hyped more than I had expected to be).
We get a first look at a new game from Codemasters that initially had me seeing a resemblance to Burnout. Looks fun, it’s called On Rush.
And to finish the show out we get another look at the ridiculously impressive first party output due to hit PS4 soon with new trailers for Spider-Man, Detroit, God of War, Shadow of the Colossus and The Last of us II.
Well, what do you make of that? PS4 players got plenty to eat next year.
– Murr