Can The Finals Break The Mould?

The Finals open beta has just wrapped up and it has to be said that it seems to have been a pretty big success. I’ve seen loads of content creators talking highly of it and many others sharing positive opinions.…

Ghostrunner 2 Preview

As I wall run across a gap, grapple onto a thing dangling conveniently in place for me to bridge another gap. I land at the feet of an enemy and immediately slice them in two all within a second. It’s…

Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew Preview

Mimimi Games have an excellent track record when it comes to stealth strategy tactics games. Both Desperados 3 and Shadow Tactics: Blade of the Shogun were big hits. Deservedly so, they’re fantastic games. It’s therefore no surprise to see that…

Chivalry 2, Fantastic Melee Mayhem

Up until a week ago, I hadn’t played a Chivalry game, however, I have played a decent amount of Mordhau which shares a number of similarities. Whilst I enjoyed playing Mordhau I often found its combat a little finicky. Sure…

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Preview

If you happening to be browsing Twitch’s top played games this weekend you may have spotted an extremely colourful entry sitting proudly among the most viewed. That game was Fall Guys. The massively multiplayer party game releases next week and…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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