And here we are again, Another Monday morning. Although this week should be a good one for 2 reasons. E3 & World Cup..
Friday night my wife and I went to a friends BBQ, we had some decent weather fortunately, so the BBQ went off well. Many drinks were consumed. He also had a bouncy castle, so as you can imagine a lot of WWE moves were re-created. The night was fun and much alcohol was consumed, until I ran at the bouncy castle, but actually managed to clear the wall of it, kind of jump over the castle and hit a solid garage wall. Good night to me.
Saturday with no hangover surprisingly was just a chill about day for us. Until the evening in which we headed into town for a friends birthday. We played some crazy golf and then hit a bar for the night called Mr Wolfs. Was a fun night, although we spent alot of money. In fact we spent £16 on food from a burger van which my wife ended up dropping over half of it on the floor. Devastated.
Finally onto Sunday, when we introduced another member to our house hold. We picked up a 7 week old ginger kitten, who is now called Thomas O’Malley (apparently, just Tom or Thomas for me)

We’re now in the long winded process of getting Thomas settled down, but also trying to get our other cat Millie used to the idea of sharing the territory with Thomas. No easy feat. This morning it was rather heart breaking having a cat you’ve known and loved for 3 years hiss at you as you feed her due to smelling of a strange cat. I’m sure it’ll get easier, as for a first night it was surprisingly quiet from both cats.
Onto E3 starting tonight! We’ll be updating the site after conferences as fast as we can. In the words of Mr Iwata: “Please Understand!”
– Murr
Sometimes you just need to have a night out where you don’t come home until the sun starts to come up. That’s exactly what we did Friday night.

This meant that on Saturday we were a little hung over. So we mooched downstairs to our sofa and made a start on season 2 of Orange is the new black. If you aren’t aware of what it is, the story revolves around Piper Chapman, who is sentenced to 15 months in prison after smuggling a suitcase full of drugs, and it basically just tells you here story of life in prison. When I’d first heard about it, I wasn’t really that enamoured by it, but once we started watching it, we couldn’t stop. It’s pretty dark at times, but also pretty funny. It’s also based on a true story, which I hadn’t realised, although I’m sure it’s been embellished a little, as at times it can be a bit far fetched. But its still very entertaining.
The problem with it coming to Netflix is that it’s all released at once, so we ended up watching about 6 episodes back to back… Pretty lazy, but whatever.
In the evening we met with some friends and went out for some food – screw cooking on a hangover.
On Sunday, I got to spend a little more time on WATCH_DOGS. I’m still really enjoying it. I haven’t yet got past Act 2 in the campaign, but that’s mainly because I will do a mission, and then see what other random stuff is around for me to do. It’s pretty easy to get distracted by it.
This weekend was also the Canadian GP. Now, I didn’t see any of the qualifying, but I saw the results, and as I was home in the evening, I wanted to watch the race. It started pretty much in a normal fashion with both Rosberg and Hamilton making a break, although Vettel tried to interrupt them by getting between them in the first few corners. Then there was a safety car out for 7 laps. Once it was back in, it didn’t take long for Hamilton to get passed Vettel, and it looked like the oh so familiar scene we have seen most of the season, and that is Rosberg and Hamilton battling for the win, whilst the rest scrap it out for 3rd.
But, just as I thought it was going to end up being as predictable as the other races, both Rosberg and Hamilton started to have engine troubles, and started to lose a bit of pace. Rosberg then had issues with his pit stop around the 40 lap mark, and lost 1st place to Massa. After Hamilton’s stop he came out in front of Rosberg, and would seemingly overtake Massa shortly, being on fresh tires. But Hamilton over shot a corner, and lost 2nd to Rosberg. His mistake was due to issues with his brakes, which then meant he had to retire completely from the race. Rosberg, still experiencing issues and eventually losing his 20 second lead, now had 3 cars – Perez, Ricciardo and Vettel close behind him with Massa not much further back. Then in the last couple of laps it all got a bit mental. Ricciardo got past Perez, which gave him a run at Rosberg, Perez and Massa then crash out which leaves Vettel in 3rd. Then on the last lap Ricciardo over takes Rosberg to win his first race for Redbull, and give the team a much needed boost in the championship. It was pretty crazy, but it was an awesome end to the race.

Now, hurry up 5:30 for the start of E3 2014!
– Will
Have a quick catch up on what we want and expect at E3!