Late To The Party: Watch_Dogs 2

A return to the late to the party series that I’ve dabbled in over the years is a game that came out in the winter of 2016, and a follow up to one of this generations most hyped games which…

E3 2016 – The Leaks and Preshow Confirmations

  Well this time next week we would be dissecting the majority of the E3 conferences, re-watching trailers and coming down from the announcements. But like most years, around this time, the leaks start to surface and other game announcements…

Geekly Review #35

We’re running a day late this week, but after Glastonbury & a late night Sunday night with Money in the bank we thought best to delay it.   This weekend I managed to get a bit of Geeking in for…

Geekly Review #33

That was a long week, Unfortunately the weekend went far to fast and here we are again, Monday Morning… Well, the weekend for me was the least Geeky weekend I’ve had in a long time, Sure the week was good…

Geekly Review #32

And here we are again, Another Monday morning. Although this week should be a good one for 2 reasons. E3 & World Cup.. Friday night my wife and I went to a friends BBQ, we had some decent weather fortunately,…

Wii U hardware sales up 666% in UK

Well well, Mario Kart 8 has done wonders for the Wii U in the UK boosting sales of the console by a massive 666%. Of course the question is how many sales were they picking up prior to this. But…

WATCH_DOGS: Hacking Texts and Cashing Cheques!

Whilst no actual hard numbers have been revealed, Ubisoft has said that WATCH_DOGS has sold more copies in 24 hours than another Ubisoft game. Which is excellent news for the new IP. I can already hear the announcement of a…

watch_dogs multiplayer trailer

Yesterday saw the release of a new video for watch_dogs showing off the multiplayer side of the game. The 9 minute demo showcases how you can hack in to other peoples games, and shows how the companion app will work…

PAX East 2014: Round Up

As I’m sure a lot of you are aware PAX East 2014 has just come to an end. Quite a lot was shown this year, and whilst I didn’t follow everything that happened, so will have no doubt missed some…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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