Morning Geeks, It’s just me again this week as Will is still enjoying a complete switch off from the real world in Thailand. He did however take time to check his phone after I dropped some messages on Whatsapp to him about the Switch reveal. “Truly next generation” in a very sarcastic manner. I couldn’t agree more though. Anyways it’s a little shorter than usual, but here’s this week’s Geekly Review.
Nintendo Switch – Dominates Gaming News
As to be expected, the Nintendo Switch presentation took centre stage last week on gaming websites all over the world. There has been a bit of a mixture of emotions with regards to it’s full reveal. Prices for the console, it’s accessories and the online plan for it all seem to have gone down pretty badly, as has the very limited launch game lineup. There have been positive impressions however from people who got to play the console at special events around the world. Despite the positives though, you can’t help but feel it could be another tough generation for Nintendo. That aside Mario Odyssey is looking pretty impressive, and the trailer for Legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild is stunning.
You can check out our post that was made live during the reveal here.
WWE United Kingdom Champion
If you’ve yet to watch the tournament and are planning too, then skip this segment.
Last night in an absolutely incredible 2 hours of wrestling, WWE crowned their first ever United Kingdom Champion. The odds on favourite Pete Dunne made it to the final, having perhaps the match of the weekend against Welsh representative Mark Andrews in the semi final. Wolfgang caused an upset victory over Trent Seven in the Quarter final to then be knocked out by the impressive, young Tyler Bate. The WWE Universe got their first look at NXT acquisition Tommy End as he took on Neville in an exhibition match between the semi final and final. Double shifting for Tommy End as he made a surprise appearance at PROGRESS in Birmingham a few hours prior to this match. Finn Balor also doing double duty as he also appeared at PROGRESS in a competitive fashion playing musical chairs.
The final between Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne was impressive and the 2nd day on a whole was a great advert for British wrestling. Really interesting how WWE openly acknowledged so many different British indy promotions over the weekend and even name dropped PWG. A real change of stance from WWE. The eventual winner was the 19 year old Tyle Bate. I had Dunne to win for my bonus point, but not even mad that Bate won. The weekend in general was incredibly smart. WWE created a top heel and baby face over 2 nights with ease, something that they’re struggling to do weekly on main shows.
I can’t wait to see what’s next for the UK Championship now, and eagerly anticipate the weekly show that’s likely to happen.
Far Cry Primal
And as for what have we been up to gaming wise? Well I’ve finally completed Far Cry Primal. It felt alot different to 3 and 4, and that’s not just because of the environment or setting of the game. The way the game played out and how the missions start seemed to play differently from other titles in the series. It was pretty entertaining to play, but there were occasions of frustration to be honest. Those came about when fighting the ‘bosses’ if you will of rival tribes.The Udal leader ULL wasn’t that difficult if you had him away from the main room, and tried to drag him near the entrance of the area. It would also have been beneficial to have some of the stronger beasts unlocked like the great scar bear. Unfortunately I did not.
The other tribe leader however Batari, well that was close to quitting the game altogether territory. I died on multiple occasions during this encounter. Fortunately as her health depletes, she comes down to fight you in close combat, I lucked out massively here as I was above her at a certain area and managed to get a death from above kill to take her out. So relieved to be done with her, and I didn’t want to finish the game without completing that story arc.
With Far Cry being complete, I moved straight onto my next game. I recently received a physical copy of FireWatch from Limited Run Games. Most people who bought this wouldn’t have opened the game as it’s a limited print of 7500, But I bought it to specifically open it and play it. The opening of the game choosing text and reading the deteriorating health of Julia was pretty damn depressing. Not since the start of the Last of us had I started a game feeling so sad. The game is beautiful though when you get to experience your first day as a park ranger. I’ve only played and completed day 1 so far but enjoyed it, although feeling a little worried about wandering around this massive area alone, especially when you encounter some stranger staring at you on your way back to your station. Pretty terrifying getting back to your tower and finding the place had been trashed too. Not ideal.
Looking forward to getting back to this game though, even though my play through so far has been incredibly short, I’ve really enjoyed the brief time I’ve played it so far.
– Murr