We’re onto the final stretch of conferences now, having watched Square-Enix and Limited Run already today. Next up is one of the big hitters in the 3rd party world Ubisoft. Other than The Division 2, they’ve been somewhat quiet with their game showings at Microsoft, Many expected Splinter Cell and / or Assassins Creed to be there. So tonight we could be in for a huge show in terms of new reveals, not to mention updates of already announced games such as For Honor and Rainbow Six Siege. Here’s what Ubisoft brought to E3.
In traditional Ubisoft style, the presenters that start the show off are cringe and fluff many of their lines. We expect this now a days though.
The first video we see is someone dressed up as a Panda dancing in front of a marching band. Perhaps this is Just Dance and they’re getting it out of the way.
I think I can confidently say that this dancing panda routine and introduction might, just might be the best thing of E3 2018. Possibly, is it wrong I’m enjoying this musical performance more than Andrew WK at Bethesda?
Next up, no one on stage, just straight to a game trailer. i reckon Beyond Good and Evil 2. It is Beyond Good and Evil 2. What a masterpiece this looks. It’s a nice lengthy trailer.
Next up is pre-alpha in game footage. Nice to be able to see some game play rather than just cut scenes.
Joseph Gordan Levitt is up on stage now, the founder of Hit Record which is a place people all over the world can work on movies, art, music. The idea is that the community can add submit there work to be featured in BGE2. So looks like Beyond Good and Evil 2 will be a crowd sourced game.
To the stage next is Justin Kruger the community manager of Rainbow Six Siege. There are 35 million players in the RB6S Community. There are 3 ‘6’ events taking place in Paris, Brazil and Montreal.
Now we get a sneak peak at “Another mind set” which is a documentary about RB6S.
So now we have Karri Kiviluoma riding down onto the stage on a motor-cross bike in full evil canevil gear. He falls on stage, crashes into the platform on stage and breaks it as well as a monitor. He then goes onto reveal a new trials game, Trials Rising.
Brad Hill is on stage now discussing his YouTube channel the University of Trials. It’ll release in February 2019 for all platforms.
Onto the stage now Julian Gerighty, it’s time to learn more about The Division 2. He tells us about a virus that spreads on Black Friday.
Your actions have an impact on the civilians in Washington DC. Once agents reach the end of the main campaign, they pick a new specialisation path. It starts with a signature weapon that is tied to your specialisation class. 8 players will be able to partner up to take on raids which will be coming to The Division 2. There are plans for years of major and frequent updates.
Year one schedule will feature 3 DLC, with new stories, new areas to explore and all episodes will be completely free.
Xavier Manzanares comes to the stage next to discuss the Mario x Rabbids crossover. He’s here to announce the DLC featuring Donkey Kong. An conductor takes to the stage to orchestrate the band who are playing over a Donkey Kong trailer. Not gonna lie, I like this. It’ll be available June 26th.
A trailer starts for Ubisofts newest IP, Skull & Bones. After this Justin Farren takes the stage to discuss the game. Piracy is dead int he Caribbean, So where are the pirates going to head to next? The Indian Ocean to go and steal every last fucking coin that travels through it. The world is reactive so you need to now the weather, trade routes, factions.
Elijah Wood takes the stage next to discuss Transference. It’ll be out in Fall 2018.
We’re straight into a trailer for a game that was revealed at E3 last year. Starlink Battle for Atlus. It looks like what No Man’s Sky was meant to be. I did forget though that this game uses toys that can upgrade your ship, pilots and gear.
HOLY SHIT, StarFox is part of Starlink. Wow, the Ubisoft & Nintendo collaboration continues.
Yves Guillemot brings Miyamoto to the stage and presents him with a Starwing prototype ship that’ll be featuring in Starlink.
We switch over to For Honor now after that last hype. For Honor starting edition is now free to download from uPlay till Monday. We’re into a trailer now as we are ready to ‘extend our world’.. Marching Fire is the name of the update. The new 44 player mode is introduced called breach.
The Crew 2 is next up, the open Beta is available on June 21st. Pre-load is available right now.
And now we’re onto our first look at Assassins Creed Odyssey.
You can choose to play as a male of female character in Odyssey. We’re onto a game play trailer now.
After that gameplay walkthrough, all the Ubisoft team take to the stage and it looks like this is the end. Yves Guillemot leads the applause and goodbyes and wishes us all to have a great E3…. No one more thing? Wow?
– Murr