It’s been quite the lacklustre E3 thus far with Bethesda & Ubisoft putting on weak shows and Microsoft not grasping the opportunity presented to them. It’s now the turn of the Far East to show us what they have with Square-Enix taking the stage.
This presentation started at 2am UK time, so again, a disclaimer there might be a few spelling or grammatical errors occur during this live update, please understand.
Unsurprisingly FF7: Remake starts the show. Yoshiniori Kitase takes the stage first to introduce the game to us. Remaking FF7 has allowed us to dive deeper into the characters. It remains an episodic game, but part 1 is Midgar only. Part 1 comes on two Blu Rays. Through all the content we have unveiled today and are yet to unveil you won’t be disappointed.
Neal Pabon is introduced to the stage.
2 ATB bars are displayed in t he right, filling them up allows tactical mode where time slows down.
Shortcuts are available in attack mode. You can choose the more detailed combat or shortcut attack mode. A video of Barret and Cloud is shown demonstrating the attack modes and explaining the mechanics.
Nomura is on stage next after the attack video finishes. Playable demo kiosks are at E3 to try FF7 Remake.
Onto a Square-Enix logo on screen then to our next trailer. Looks like Life is Strange content. Update on Life is Strange 2? Just a reminder that Life is Strange 2 exists and to play it today.
Next trailer starts with no introduction, looks like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles from Gamecube. It’s remastered coming to PS4 and Switch this winter
Ocotopath Traveller is next up, it’s out on Steam now.
The Last Remnant Remastered is revealed next, and is available tonight on Nintendo Switch.
DragonQuest Builders 2 takes the screen now. Coming July 12th. There’s a demo on PS4 on June 27th
Switch logo clicks next on screen. Onto DragonQuest Echoes of Elusive Age out this fall.
Square-Enix Collective recap is up next and we get a look at the next game coming up. Circuit Superstars is coming in 2020. Next game is Battalion 1944. Available now on Steam
Square-Enix Music logo pops up next. Final Fantasy soundtracks are now available on multiple music streaming stores.
Kingdom Hearts 3 appears to be up next. It’s DLC for KH3 coming this winter.
Final Fantasy 14 online is getting some attention now. 3rd expansion pack Shadow Bringers is releasing on July 2nd.
A horror game appears to be our next reveal, or perhaps Dying Light 2? Yep, it’s Dying Light 2.
Next up there are a few new games coming to the West for the first time. I didn’t catch the names in time but think that they were Romancing Saga 3 & Saga Scarlet Grace Ambitions
Final Fantasy Mobile game is up next. A new title is born from the the mobile game. Final Fantasy Brave Exvius produces War of the Visions.
From the creators of Gears of War Judgement and BulletStorm our next game shows up. It’s called Outriders. Coming Summer 2020.
Oninaki is shown after Outriders. Available August 22nd.
To the fans who have been waiting, at long last, Final Fantasy VIII… looks like the leak was legit. FFVIII remaster is happening. Coming in 2019.
And I think we’re onto the main game now. Avengers is revealed. Here we go!
- Third-person
- “Epic Action-Adventure with Cinematic Storytelling”
- Story-driven
- Co-op but can be played solo if you want
- Crystal Dynamics’ take on Marvel Villains
- Story begins at A-Day celebrating Avengers West Coast Headquarters
- Avengers are outlawed and disband following A-Day Tragedy
- 5 years after, an evil forces the Avengers to reassemble
- Original story showcasing Marvel Heroism and Humanity
No loot boxes
No pay to win scenarios
Releasing on PS4, XboxOne, PC & Stadia
Partnering with PlayStation to offer early Beta access and unique benefits being revealed in the future.
Hank Pym is revealed
Will launch May 2020.
And that’s that, the game most anticipated in the show didn’t really look all that spectacular, here’s hoping for improvements before launch.
– Murr
It probably depends on the person, but I thought the Avengers game looked awesome! I didn’t want anything to do with it before the show, but now, it’s a day one purchase for me because I want to play it with my husband. I do wish the starting roster was a bit larger instead of just 5 characters.
Given that its Avengers and licensed and can see how it will immediately appeal. I’m still not sure what kind of game it will be beyond coop, I’d like to see some gameplay though.