E3 2019 – SquareEnix Conference Summary

It’s been quite the lacklustre E3 thus far with Bethesda & Ubisoft putting on weak shows and Microsoft not grasping the opportunity presented to them. It’s now the turn of the Far East to show us what they have with…

Geekly Review #232

A day late this week as we experienced a nice sunny bank holiday weekend, with trips away and BBQ’s aplenty. There have been a few geekly goings on though. Here’s what we’ve been up to. Avengers: Infinity War So technically…

Geekly Review #221

Another week down, this week saw the release of the highly anticipated Black Panther from Marvel Studios. It’s the final film before the massive Infinity War… Black Panther There was something about the build up to this film over the…

Geekly Review #191

Lots going on this week, so let’s jump straight in. Upgrades Ever since bought my PC – which was over two years ago, I’ve been using a TV instead of a proper monitor for playing on. I’ve been meaning to…

Marvel & Video Games

June 13th 2016 Sony held their E3 conference and gave us plenty of surprises. One of those major surprises was the announcement of a PlayStation 4 exclusive Spider-Man game to be developed by Insomniac Games. The day after this massive…

Geekly Review #119

Monday’s back, and with it another Geekly Review… My Week It seems like forever ago I bought a new game. I’ve got a real itch to buy a new one, but at the same time trying to keep to a…

Ant-Man and The Wasp (Ant-Man 2) Announced

  Good news everyone. Ant-Man’s box office figures must have made Marvel and Disney executives happy as a sequel to Ant-Man has been confirmed for a 2018 release. Not only that but confirmation of 3 more untitled Marvel films were…

Captain America: Civil War – AKA Avengers 2.5

  We’ve known that the 3rd installment of the Captain America series is happening and will be called Civil War. We’re also aware it’ll feature the likes of Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye as well as introducing us…

Marvel’s Ant-Man – Trailer 1

  Marvel Studios have released the official trailer for Ant-Man, and here’s a little spoiler, it looks fantastic: Ant-Man is due to hit cinema’s on 17th July 2015 and will be the final Phase 2 Marvel film. Not much more to say,…

Spiderman Enters the Marvel Cinematic Universe

It’s finally happened. Spiderman is entering Marvels Cinematic Universe. After speculation at the back end of 2014, Marvel and Sony have agreed to terms in which the webslinger will feature with the MCU’s already established hero’s like Iron Man &…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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