Ubisoft at E3 is normally a pretty predictable affair for one reason only. Assassins Creed. Usually you know that Assassins Creed will be part of the Ubisoft show case. And as-well as that you know they end their conference with “one more thing”. So this year will be slightly different in that we’re not likely to see AC as they’ve not got one scheduled for Winter 2016 which is quite different.
So here’s how I see Ubisoft going at E3 2016:
We’ve seen the Division at what seems like every E3 since the reveal of the Wii (exaggeration), But I think we’ll see it again in 2016. The DLC for the Division will be the primary focus though showcasing the season pass and whats in store for the Division for the remainder of the year.
As Assassins Creed the game won’t be there, I just have a hunch that this E3 conference we might get Ubisoft pushing the movie version onto us. Maybe a guest appearance from Michael Fassbender to reveal a trailer for the movie and a brief media moment to push the film on the big stage of E3.
Last year we got the reveal of a new South Park game, Fractured but whole. It’s safe to say we’ll see this in detail this year with a possible Christmas 2016 release.
Another new game from Ubisoft For Honor will have a massive blow out with stunning visuals that’ll blow us away. Probably another one set for a Winter 2016 release.
We’ll get our usual dance section with the reveal of Just Dance 2017. Not many fucks will be given at this point I believe.
Too see the show out we’ll get another in depth look with game-play footage of Ghost Recon Wildland’s. Probably reminiscent the reveal of The Division with players vocal about what they’re doing and what’s happening. You know, the over the top player chat that isn’t really what it’s like when actually playing those games?
And one more thing…
Watch_dogs 2 is the secret game that they’ll close the show out with. I would be pretty happy with this as despite a few criticisms I had with the original Watch_Dogs 2 years ago (wow really 2 years ago), It was a good premise for a game and the sequel I’d hope will improve on the hacking capabilities of the game to ensure more fun and carnage. I was pretty happy with the setting in Chicago too, so wouldn’t be mad if the sequel was set there again, but of course open to see it set in another city.
– Murr