Video Games: A Second Chance

“A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad” A pretty famous quote in the world of gaming. But in this day and age is it actually true? The release date for No Man’s Sky’s NEXT…

Geekly Review #168

The Division Yup, I’ve been on The Division again this week, this time I’ve been spending a lot more time playing the Survival DLC game mode. I have to say that to me it feels like the best addition and…

Geekly Review #167

Well back from holiday, which means back to work, but it also means back to games, so every cloud and all that! The Division During my time away some friends had been hitting The Division pretty hard and levelling up…

Geekly Review #161

Well what an exciting week it was last week. The Game Awards and Sony’s PlayStation Experience both taking place, resulting in plenty of game announcements. I’ve actually started this week’s Geekly Review on the Saturday night in anticipation for Monday…

Geekly Review #160

Another week flies by and there’s been quite significant gaming news during the week, as well as rumours picking up steam. Small Radios Big Televisions I mentioned last week that I’d been giving this little puzzler a try, well I…

Geekly Review #160

Another week flies by and there’s been quite significant gaming news during the week, as well as rumours picking up steam. Small Radios Big Televisions I mentioned last week that I’d been giving this little puzzler a try, well I…

E3 2016 – Ubisoft Conference Summary

  So Microsoft had a strong showing earlier in the evening, although a lot of the news was previously leaked. Next up is Ubisoft who had been quite tight barring the Watch_Dogs mess up by IGN. However a few hours…

E3 2016: Ubisoft – What to Expect?

  Ubisoft at E3 is normally a pretty predictable affair for one reason only. Assassins Creed. Usually you know that Assassins Creed will be part of the Ubisoft show case. And as-well as that you know they end their conference…

Destiny won’t let me go!

I thought The Division was going to be the one to take me away from Destiny, I thought it was going to be my new shoot to loot game, I thought I would be praying to the gods of RNG…

Geekly Review #127

We were meant to be attending EGX Rezzed last week, but real life work got in the way! It’s safe to say that I was pretty grumpy about missing it. Adr1ft I mentioned last week that I wanted to try…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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