In the spirit of Halloween it’s only right that we squeeze in at least one scary game. GTFO Over the past week 10 Chambers have held a couple of alpha sessions for their hardcore coop FPS GTFO. Set in a…
Geekly Review #247
August passes us by, and with that both our birthdays pass by and we class that as the death of Summer. All hail September the start of Autumn & Winter and the season the game releases ramp up. We’re less…
Geekly Review #246
Last night news broke that there was a mass shooting in Florida, while that sadly sounds the norm for the United States, this occasion was somewhat different in that the shooting took place at a Madden NFL tournament which was…
Geekly Review #245
Guys, I think summer might be done. Which means we’re getting close to silly season for games. Time to check in on what we’ve been playing now the rain has come back. Destiny 2 Since the beginning of August I’ve…
5 Games to Play on a Desert Island
The age old question and scenario, what 5 [insert topic here] would you want with you if you were stranded on a desert island? This question usually only works with books, as let’s face it, if it’s a desert island…
E3 2017: Best & Worst
All the months of hype, all the potential leaks and rumours, all the hours watching conferences and writing notes, and it’s pretty much now all but finished till next year. Sure we’ve got other conferences like Gamescom & TGS, but…
Geekly Review #165
The first week back to work since the Christmas and New Year break and it’s been tough. So tough in fact that Will has gone to Thailand for a few weeks to get a little bit more chilled. So with…
Geekly Review #20
Another weekend disappears in an instant, that can only mean Geekly Review time… So lets just get the bad news out of the way first, I finally took my exams, unfortunately the results from exam one were not enough for…
Game Sequels We Want
Sequels to games… we’re sick of them aren’t we? COD:10 now with added dog, Assassins creed 4 but actually the 6th game in the main franchise, Splinter Cell 6 etc etc… We want some originality in games don’t we? We…