UK Games Chart Week 9

  This is better, new games again take the top of the charts for the 3rd week running. This is much better now, we love new games! Last week’s number 1 The Order drops to 3rd this week as Dying…

UK Games Chart Week 6

Well, it’s become very apparent we need some new games, The top of the charts remain the same as they have all 2015 so far with the exception of GTAV XboxOne version swapping places with CoD: Advanced War PS4 version.…

UK Games Chart Week 5

  New month, However that doesn’t mean any new games. The charts look all too similar to last weeks with PS4 GTAV again remaining the top of the gaming chart. COD Advanced Warfare PS4 version reclaims number 2. Sunset Overdrive…

UK Games Chart Week 3

  Week 3 of the year and the UK game charts are again very similar to last week. We need some new games it would seem as a lot of titles re-enter the top 40 charts this week. PS4 COD…

UK Game Charts Week 1

  We’re into 2015, and the UK gaming charts honestly don’t look that different from the end of 2014’s. The top 10 consists of 6 PS4 titles, 3 XboxOne titles & 1 Xbox360 title. Only one new entry into the chart…

Geekly Review #62

Happy New Year everyone! Well, that’s that. Christmas, New Year it’s all done, now back to normality and back to work. I actually had a pretty quiet new year this year. I’m never really that bothered by it anyway, I…

Geekly Review #55

Another weekend down, and another step closer to Christmas, and more importantly another step closer to Grand Theft Auto 5. Here’s this weekends antics… The majority of my weekend consisted of feeling sorry for myself after drinking far too many…

Geekly Review #54

This time of year always brings about problems for gamers like me. Too many good games to play, and not enough time off to play them. Maybe we should start some kind of petition that if you’re an avid gamer…

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – First Impressions

I’m sure there are a lot of you who were in the same position as me when it came to Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Sceptical, wary, not getting too carried away with it!? In recent years the Call of…

Season Passes & DLC – Do They Need To Be Stopped?

DLC and Season Passes are nothing new, well all know that right? They’ve been around for a fair time. But, is it just me or are they popping up even more, recently? It seems like every other game gets a…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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