Geekly Review #140

  Another week disappears. They’re going so fast now, but we’re managing to fit alot of Geek into them. Here’s what we’ve been up to. Monopoly, Lots of Monopoly and other board games. As you might see on our front-page we’ve…

E3 2016 – Microsoft Conference Summary

  And we’re onto day 2 of E3 and the first big hitter of the console manufacturers is Microsoft. They had a rough 1st day of E3 as many of their surprise announcements leaked. To make matters worse the leaks…

Evolution 2016 Lineup Confirmed

  Yesterday Evo organizer Joey Cuellar announced at the Red Bull eSports Studio in Santa Monica the line up for Evolution 2016. The lineup looks solid with the inclusion of Pokken Tournament being a pleasant surprise. The full lineup is:…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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