Geekly Review #155

This week we got to have a really geeky time and get our hands on the Playstation VR! PSVR This weekend there was an event for PSVR being held at a local shopping centre. Me, Murr and a couple of…

Geekly Review #140

  Another week disappears. They’re going so fast now, but we’re managing to fit alot of Geek into them. Here’s what we’ve been up to. Monopoly, Lots of Monopoly and other board games. As you might see on our front-page we’ve…

Geekly Review #64

These weekends disappear far to quickly. It’s already time for another Geekly Review. As mentioned on the previous few Geekly Reviews, I’m setting myself the goal of completing my back log of games, and just generally trying to complete more…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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