Geekly Review #119

Monday’s back, and with it another Geekly Review… My Week It seems like forever ago I bought a new game. I’ve got a real itch to buy a new one, but at the same time trying to keep to a…

WWE 2015 Summary and Review

A small disclaimer before you read on with this post, I love NXT I really do, But this post is rather NXT light and focuses more on the main roster and main shows. There are some NXT mentions throughout but it’s…

Geekly Review #105

So, I’m back from Mauritius (Boooo), But I’ve got back just in time for the silly season of gaming to start (Yaaay). I had an absolutely incredible time away in paradise for 2 weeks, sunning it up, drinking cocktails and…

Predicting Wrestlemania 31

Well we’re almost at the show of shows. Royal Rumble provided us with the beginning of the Roman Empire. The WWE Universe who 1 year previously were rooting for Reigns to win the 2014 Rumble were displeased by him winning…

WWE Fastlane 2015 Results

With the Royal Rumble out of the way we’re truly on the road to Wrestlemania, and what better way to get there than on the ‘FastLane’. Yes.. So here we are on the 2nd PPV of the year with the debut…

WWE Royal Rumble 2015 Results

A new year, A new start, A new time for WWE? 2015’s first pay per view of the year was the annual Royal Rumble which is seen as the start of a new season for the WWE Superstars. A new…

WWE Wrestlemania xXx Results

The biggest event in the wrestling calendar finally arrived, and this year marked the 30th anniversary of the prestigious Wrestlemania,. although in fairness the card billed didn’t look that great. However it did turn out to be one unforgettable pay…

WWE Elimination Chamber 2014 Results

It only seem’s like yesterday that I was left in shock at the direction WWE went with on the 1st pay per view of the year with Royal Rumble, But here we are and the 2nd PPV of the year…

The Road to Wrestlemania – Predictions #2

So Royal Rumble has been and gone. It didn’t really throw many surprises really other than the shocking omission of Daniel Bryan which was such a big deal it even made BBC News. But other than that, Royal Rumble paves…

WWE Royal Rumble 2014 Results

The first WWE Pay Per View of the year took place, the annual start of the year Royal Rumble. On paper the schedule looked rather… odd. It was an eventful if predictable rumble. I did a 2014 predictions post a…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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