Geekly Review #87

I’ve had another week of being a bachelor. My girlfriend has been off at Glastonbury all week, which has meant I’ve been playing quite a lot of games. Firstly as I said in last week’s Geekly Review I wanted to…

Geekly Review #81

Here we are again, another Monday morning, and time for a round up of the weeks news and what we’ve been geeking out over. I need to clear some of my backlog of games. So, that’s kind of what I’m…

Geekly Review #80

Well the weekends been and gone and we’re here again for another Geekly Review. In last week’s Geekly Reivew I mentioned that my wife had got me season one of The Walking Dead for PlayStation 4. So since then It’s…

UK Game Charts Week 1

  We’re into 2015, and the UKĀ gaming charts honestly don’t look that different from the end of 2014’s. The top 10 consists of 6 PS4 titles, 3 XboxOne titles & 1 Xbox360 title. Only one new entry into the chart…

Gamescom 2014 – Xbox

So the Xbox conference is done and dusted. Now it’s time to take a look at some of the announcements, and games that were on show. The show opened with a trailer for Assassins Creed Unity. It didn’t really show…

EA confirms Fifa 15 will be released on every possible platform except WiiU

Nintendo & Wii U was starting to build a bit of positive momentum after e3, but it appears it’s back to where it was, with a 3rd party not putting one of it’s largest and best selling annual franchises on…

E3 2014: EA Conference Round Up

Alright, so we’ve had Microsoft show off. Now its EA’s turn. We open with a video from DICE talking about and Star Wars Battlefront. No gameplay or trailers for it unfortunately. Andrew Wilson then comes to the stage and talks…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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