E3 2016 – Microsoft Conference Summary

  And we’re onto day 2 of E3 and the first big hitter of the console manufacturers is Microsoft. They had a rough 1st day of E3 as many of their surprise announcements leaked. To make matters worse the leaks…

Geekly Review #136

  This week’s Geekly Review it’ll just be me as Will’s work is taking his time up this morning. Yes unfortunately we have real jobs that we need to focus on aswell as video games. As we’re officially into E3 now,…

E3 2016: Microsoft – What to expect!?

It’s that time of the year, time to get excited about video games a little more than usual, yes E3 approaches and with it comes the flurry and fanfare of fan boys dribbling with anticipation for the next big thing…

E3 2015 – Microsoft Roundup

We are well and truly under way with E3 now. Microsoft have just finished with their conference so let’s take a look at what we saw. Opening with a monologue from characters of the upcoming games. Then Bonny Ross from 343i takes…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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