PlayStation Experience 2015 Summary

  Saturday 5th December Sony held their keynote conference for the PlayStation Experience 2015. Last year’s conference generated a lot of hype, and a lot of anger and disappointment which would go on to be rectified at E3 2015. It…

Geekly Review #9

Well another week, and Christmas has been and gone. Check out GSRR’s latest and last Geekly review of the year… Okay so from my last update I’ve already stopped on Ni No Kuni. It’s a curse. Despite enjoying a game…

Geekly Review #8

Tis the season to be festive… and drunk… and do alot of gaming. Here’s the latest Geekly Review… Well as I’ve informed you a few times, I’ve been off work since 13th December. In my first week off I picked…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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