Well, that was a busy two weeks for us with #LoveIndies and E3 hitting at the same time! I hope you enjoyed the extra content, but now back to normality. What we’ve been up to Destiny 2 It was always…
Geekly Review #217
This week we welcome back Will after his honeymoon, here’s what we’ve been up to this week. Rise of The Tomb Raider As you’ve seen over the last few Geekly Review’s I’ve been making my way through my Christmas games.…
Geekly Review #171
Another week goes by and boy has it been a busy one in the nerd department! I’ve not used Humble Bundle much beyond the odd game purchase when it’s been on sale, but the recent Freedom bundle was just too…
Geekly Review #137
Well that’s it, the biggest games show of the year has been and gone. It went by pretty quickly didn’t it! Hard Reset Redux Step in to an action packed Cyperpunk world with over the top action, a bucket full…
Rise of The Tomb Raider – Officially Announced for PC & PS4
The confirmation of something we’ve known about for quite some time was made today. Square-Enix has officially confirmed that Rise of the Tomb Raider will be hitting PC and PS4 in 2016. Rise of the Tomb Raider will launch…
Geekly Review #70
This weekend was the least geeky one for me in a long time. Friday was payday, and payday usually means going out and having some drinks, so that’s what we did. I played a little bit of DayZ on Saturday…
Geekly Review #12
Apparently today is blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year. But don’t be too sad because it’s time for our Geekly Review. This weekend being a middle/late January weekend was a very quiet one, so I think it…
Late To The Party: Tomb Raider
2013 saw a lot of big game releases across all consoles. However seeing as I’d purchased the Wii U on launch, I thought I’d focus the majority of my gaming spending on games for this console. Of course there were…
Geekly Review #9
Well another week, and Christmas has been and gone. Check out GSRR’s latest and last Geekly review of the year… Okay so from my last update I’ve already stopped on Ni No Kuni. It’s a curse. Despite enjoying a game…