As I’m sure you’re aware sales have been everywhere the last few days, whether it’s Black Friday, Cyber Monday or Steams Autumn sale, you can’t escape them! I’ve been keeping my eyes open for any bargains and have managed to…
Geekly Review #205
Another week closer to Christmas and we’re into full swing of silly season for video game releases. Here’s what we’ve been up to the last week. Stranger Things So, I’m very late to the party on this occasion. On Friday…
E3 2017 – EA Conference Summary
So EA kicked off E3 2017 with their conference. We’ve just wrapped up watching it while frantically writing notes down, as mentioned in numerous EA E3 summary posts, it’s usually pretty safe what to expect to be shown. Sports games,…
Geekly Review #155
This week we got to have a really geeky time and get our hands on the Playstation VR! PSVR This weekend there was an event for PSVR being held at a local shopping centre. Me, Murr and a couple of…
Geekly Review #148
I’m back after celebrating my birthday last week. Didn’t go anywhere, but didn’t really do anything Geeky so gave it a miss. So first week back after turning 30. Birthday Pressies = Games So I did pretty well for my…
E3 2016 – EA Conference Summary
So E3 2016 officially started with EA’s conference on Sunday evening (UK Time). The day leading up to it was full of leaks from multiple developers including 2 games from EA, with Titanfall 2 single player campaign and FIFA…
E3 2016: EA – What to Expect?
EA is usually the show that I’m not all that interested in and I think that would probably apply to a fair few people, but then I think that’s partly down to their reputation. I don’t know what it is…
Geekly Review #131
Just me this week as Murr has been away on a stag do. So let’s check out what Geeky stuff I’ve been up to! Overwatch This past week saw the Overwatch Beta hit consoles and PC. I’ve had my eye…