Geekly Review #283

Another week bites the dust, we move closer to E3, yet once again more news has already started filtering out via both official means and leaks, Here’s a roundup of our week and news What we’ve been up to… Shadow…

Microsoft Scorpio Reveal Event

In a tweet sent out on the 4th April 2017, it was confirmed that Xbox One’s biggest critics Digital Foundry will have the honor of an exclusive Project Scorpio reveal on Thursday 6th April at 2pm GMT on Eurogamer. Well,…

Geekly Review #139

It’s Monday and the Steam Sale is coming to an end. Did we all survive? 35mm I mentioned very briefly last week that I picked up 35mm in the Steam Sale, since then I’ve had a very quick play on…

E3 2016 – Microsoft Conference Summary

  And we’re onto day 2 of E3 and the first big hitter of the console manufacturers is Microsoft. They had a rough 1st day of E3 as many of their surprise announcements leaked. To make matters worse the leaks…

Geekly Review #136

  This week’s Geekly Review it’ll just be me as Will’s work is taking his time up this morning. Yes unfortunately we have real jobs that we need to focus on aswell as video games. As we’re officially into E3 now,…

Geekly Review #133

  Another eventful weekend passes, while not completely taken up by Geeky activities there was still a few things Geek happening in the news. Batman Arkham Series Remastered It’s a common occurrence this generation. Games from last gen getting a…

Geekly Review #124

What have you been up to recently? Here’s a rundown of what we’ve been doing and what’s been going on! WARTILE I wanted to try out Wartile over the weekend as I’ve had my eye on it for a little…

Geekly Review #93

It’s pretty safe to say that I’m winding down from work right now and that’s because I go on holiday to Las Vegas at the end of the week. I will be turning the big 30, so why not go…

Microsoft Gamescom 2015 – Roundup

Gregor Bieler from Xbox Germany takes to the stage to open the show. He then welcomes Phil Spencer to the stage. Phil talks about how Xbox, PC will look to bring gamers together with Xbox One and Windows 10 and talks about…

E3 2015 Awards

It saddens me to type it, but E3 2015 is over. We’ve had incredible highs and a fair few lows but the joyous week of E3 has finished. We’ve had time to go over what we’d seen and come to…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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