There’s an app for that!

Apparently, almost 2 billion people in the world now use smart phones. With that number ever increasing and mobile gaming becoming more and more popular each year, it’s kind of easy to understand why some game developers have decided to…

Geekly Review #27

Don’t worry it isn’t Monday just yet. I’m posting this today, because I fly off to Turkey in couple of hours, and therefore the blog will be all quiet for a week, as Murr is still sunning it up in…

Geekly Review #25

You’ve got to love a bank holiday weekend! 4 day weekend all for ‘free’. Friday was a bit of a day of rest, catching up on some sleep, and basically unwinding from work. I think we watched Frozen Planet most…

Geekly Review #23

Ok, these weekends are going way to quickly at the moment. What is that all about? Friday night I popped over to see a friend of mine for a night of Titanfall and BF4. Whilst I do really enjoy Titanfall,…

Xbox One: 3 Months later…

I’ve had my Xbox One for pretty much bang on 3 months now, and following on from Murr’s post, how do I feel about my ‘Next Gen Choice’? I think it’s fair to say that Microsoft completely balls’d up their…

Geekly Review #13

Well its Monday again, so its Geekly Review time. This week we’re going to be doing something a little bit different. We’ve decided to start a new feature where we will show our gaming highlights of the week, and face…

Xbox One: The Games!

I’ve talked about the Xbox One console, now it’s time for me to talk about the games for it, or more precisely the games I have. I’m not necessarily going to be reviewing them, just putting my thoughts together on…

Geek Sleep Rinse Repeat

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